Diversion Rates Should Be Certified
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Rising Above the Industry Norm
Transparency is hard to come by in an industry that has been tainted with scandals and cheating. Premier Recycle Company has risen above the competition in achieving this certification. The RCI certification proves that projects that send their material to our sorting facility are receiving a verifiable diversion rate.
RCI - 3rd Party Certification
The Recycling Certification Institute utilizes independent and licensed 3rd party verifiers to comb through mountains of data, including scale tickets, reported tonnages, process systems, software programs, and government permits to make sure a facility does what they say they do.
The Recycling Certification Institute oversees the national certification program to ensure integrity, transparency, accuracy and reliability in the recovery/recycling reports of participating C&D recycling facilities.
“Evaluators will examine the process train for the materials associated with the line or operation to be certified, compare that to the preliminary application (Registration), verify a mass balance of data for the most recent 12 months of operation, and develop an Evaluation report for the facility. A key element of the Evaluation is to review the points where a facility’s data can be affected by staff and operations and then determine if controls are in place to maintain the integrity of the data. The desired outcome is that a high level of confidence can be established that the recycling rates reported by the facility are accurate, reliable, and verifiable.”*
Certification is not the end. RCI continuously monitors certified facilities for data accuracy, ensuring minimum requirements are being met.
LEED Pilot Credit 3rd Point
“Under the USGBC’s LEED program, up to 2 points can be issued for “Construction Waste Management” in Materials and Resources. LEED v4 changes how the points may be distributed. For instance, projects may still receive 1 and 2 points for 50% and 75% diversion, respectively, from landfill; however, Alternative Daily Cover has been specifically excluded from diversion from landfill calculations. There has been much uncertainty surrounding the performance claims of C&D recycling facilities, which is primarily due to the lack of a uniform standard for the measurement and verification of the recycling rates reported by C&D facilities. With RCI’s implementation of an ISO-level national standard Protocol, better accounting and verification of facility data leads to higher levels of certainty regarding the accuracy of reporting and recovery of C&D materials from the Certified facility.”*
Jobsite Specific Diversion
Not only are we able to help projects an achieve extra LEED point, Premier Recycle Company is uniquely capable of providing Jobsite Specific diversion rates. Our detailed documentation and hand sorting methods allow us to gather much more information about your material than other facilities. By utilizing our consulting services, our project managers monitor your project for diversion methods tailored to your project. Your project may reach diversion levels well above our overall facility diversion percentage.